Friday, April 28, 2006

Bee Season

I know it was a book first, and obviously a great one, based on the film. Thanks to a great friend I got to see this the other night and it was wonderful. Binoche plays an interesting role and the young girl is really astounding. My only backstory is that I have a friend who is Gere's double: Michael could have got me on the set and I could have met Binoche but I chickened out. Perhaps someday...

I also want to mention that the story deals with a kind of mystical connection to words or language. I certainly understand this as a writer and mystic, although I think that the spiritual connection often transcends words. I do want to say that I was exposed early as a child by my mother to mystical ideas including ESP etc. and while I have learned to be cautious around such ideas I do appreciate knowing that sometimes they are indeed valid and real and have a basis in something Other...

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super-knowledgeable good writer, thinker, maker. likes working with people on doable, successful projects.