Friday, March 16, 2007

landmark somersaults

Did my 2nd night of assisting as Production Supervisor for the Landmark Forum in Action Seminar tonight in SF. It went very well. Patty, the Seminar Leader and Center Director, was amazing. It is helpful for me to assist and to be there, in the seminar, which is part of what makes assisting great. And the coaching I get around assisting from Patty and Eris is great too. I think most people, if not anyone, can benefit from the Landmark Forum, and should attend an introduction at least to check it out. It has made a huge difference in my life, in particular the level of honesty or authenticity in my relationships and in my life in general, with myself. It's great.

After the seminar I went to the Make Out Room to hear and see Foxtail Somersault, Cat's new band. Great voices, guitars, sounds, drums. Great overall sound. Reminded me of My Bloody Valentine and Sonic Youth. This picture is from the Stork Club.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

the camus quote

“Man may authorize himself to denounce the total injustice of the world, but he cannot affirm its total ugliness. There is a transcendence we experience –every beautiful thing is a promise of it– that leads us to prefer this limited and incomplete world to any other. Art leads us to the origin of the revolt against the world, to the extent that it attempts to stamp its form on values in the perpetual process of becoming”

p. 210 Albert Camus, The Rebel: An Essay on Man in Revolt

the quote I mentioned in my last post. Deserved its own spot.

Giacometti, Beckett, etc.

This is a great post/article about Giacometti and Beckett. A great quote from Camus's The Rebel at the end too. I love AG's work and now want to learn more about him.

About Me

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super-knowledgeable good writer, thinker, maker. likes working with people on doable, successful projects.