Sunday, November 16, 2008

language virus theory origins and similarity to burning man

so this link will take you to some info on the original ws burroughs idea of the viral language:

I was also thinking about the viral nature of burning man. I think that it is interesting, annoying and scary the way people use burning man as a label, a way of categorizing certain types of art or dress. for example, if people have a certain kind of hair and dance or play a certain type of music, they can be lumped in the bm category easily, when their original motivation, like the culture of bm itself, came from somewhere else. maybe it is a lazy way of forgetting or not admitting ones ignorance: I don't know where these people came from or how they got their ideas but I am too lazy to wonder about it so I will just label them as burners. it's a virus, I think, like bm itself, which infects and lives off its hosts, and I am mixing my metaphor.

I love bm don't get me wrong. just don't assume and overuse the label, please.

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