Sunday, July 09, 2006

bauhaus, NIN, peaches, and all kinds of fun

the link, which is for the NIN main site, has a great shot of Peaches singing in the audience...her set was too short and in broad daylight but maybe I will see her again in a dark disco...hopefully. Obviously I am a huge Daniel Ash/Bauhaus/Love and Rockets (the band and the comic) fan and loved seeing him especially last night at the shoreline. David J is extra cool. Murphy has an amazing voice and I appreciate his theatrics. As he said "This is our last show with Trent. It's hard being mahvelous."

Fittingly, I went to Death Guild (SF dance club) for the first time last Monday, so it has been a Goth week, in many ways. Last week my friend K. and I saw Fiona Apple at the Mountain Winery which was amazing: she is the music/movie hookup that brought me out to NIN last year and this year as well.

In other news, I finished Within a Budding Grove, a huge accomplishment, made some progress on my novel, and put together a book of my photographs and other art, using flickr and Qoop, which turned out well. It's a prototype but looks almost good enough for a gallery: I just need to make a few changes before sending it out. Overall I am very happy with it. Now I need to finish putting my slides together.

I am thinking of going to burning man this year, have not even looked for a ticket really, but it could happen, depending on work, projects there.

For those of you who remember my friend Brian's fascination with the Polish singer Ewa Sonnet, here is an update: you gotta have Faith

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super-knowledgeable good writer, thinker, maker. likes working with people on doable, successful projects.