Thursday, November 13, 2003

it's getting warm in here. it's very late/early in the morning.

idea for painting: use image of red tv that matt created, if it is cool with him, in a series of paintings, for example just a red tv, then a red tv with the heart, for the contest, then a photo of tv along with painting of it, and an abstraction, as well as other abstractions. i also like photo/printout of mixed media drawing/painting/piece with heart and words.

heart in tv: we are attached to our tvs like we are to lovers sometimes. either as low-brow sitcoms or high-brow foreign films on dvd, we can be heartbroken without our window on the world and on the hearts of others. my experiences as a child, learning about love, american style, from the love boat and other shows. this would mainly determine how my heart would be broken later in life when fantasy island met the reality of girls and dating.

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super-knowledgeable good writer, thinker, maker. likes working with people on doable, successful projects.